PSI Metrics
OA usage, denials, views, downloads, turnaways - choose your metric! Our service offers a more meaningful analysis with details of which organisations are interacting with your content.

Touchstone can provide near-real time, accurate and auditable usage metrics, drilled down to the exact organisations that are accessing your content in partnership with LibLynx
OA Metrics
At a time when it’s becoming increasingly crucial for OA publishers to know who* is reading their content and where that readership is based, traditional tools for understanding organisational usage are leaving publishers in the dark. Touchstone can help. Find out more.
Denials Reporting
Would you like to know how many readers have been denied access to your content? This is your potential market. Would you like to know where these readers are based? These are your potential customers. Find out more.
What about Views?
Would you like to know how often your customers are viewing your content, not just the numbers, but broken down by institution, country, category and journal title? Would your authors love to know that their work is getting viewed by readers in some of the top institutions in the world?
Download Data
Download data can tell your authors where their research is making an impact, with PSI Metrics the data isn't just broken down by geographical location, but by the readers' affiliated organisations and whether they are academic, corporate or government. This could help authors identify potential collaboration opportunities and discover related research projects.
Your marketing campaigns will be more successful when you can target new authors based at the organisations that most frequently download your articles.
Turnaround your Turnaways
Turnaways tell you about the customers being turned away from your content. These readers are already customers but they clearly need access to more of your content. These are soft targets for your sales teams.
​PSI Metrics can provide analysis of the IP addresses interacting with your content reporting by journal title, institution, country and category.
Know where your readership is based
Identify the gaps so you can target new audiences
Target new authors – knowing where your readership is based means you can target authors in those locations
Let your authors know who is reading their content
Identify genuine readership as opposed to downloads by bots, scrapers and spiders
* Readers are identified by organisational affiliation. We do not track usage, we help publishers to interpret the data they collect. We do not collect, store or share any personal data as part of this process.
Available in partnership with LibLynx